Meaning of REFUGE in English

Synonyms and related words :

alibi, apology, asylum, blind, bolt-hole, cache, citadel, cloak, color, concealment, corner, cover, cover story, cover-up, covert, coverture, cranny, cubby, cubbyhole, dark corner, defense, den, dernier ressort, device, dodge, dugout, evasion, excuse, expediency, expedient, eye, facade, feint, foxhole, front, funk hole, gloss, guard, guise, handle, harbor, harborage, haven, hideaway, hideout, hidey hole, hiding, hiding place, hole, immunity, lair, lame excuse, lee, locus standi, makeshift, mask, niche, nook, ostensible motive, poor excuse, port, preservation, pretense, pretension, pretext, protection, protective custody, protestation, public motive, put-off, receipt, receiving, reception, recess, recourse, resort, retreat, ruse, safekeeping, safety, sanctuary, screen, secret place, security, semblance, shade, shadow, sham, shelter, shield, shift, show, smoke screen, stalking-horse, stash, stopgap, stratagem, stronghold, substitute, subterfuge, taking in, trick, undercovert, varnish, veil, watchful eye, welcome, welcoming

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