Synonyms and related words :
administration, ascendancy, authority, averageness, be in, be in force, be the rage, be the rule, be the thing, bear reign, call the shots, charisma, charm, civil government, claws, clout, clutches, command, commonality, commonness, consequence, control, credit, currency, direct, direction, discipline, dispensation, disposition, dominance, dominate, domination, domineer, dominion, effect, eminence, empery, empire, enchantment, esteem, extensiveness, favor, force, form of government, good feeling, govern, governance, government, grip, habitualness, hand, hands, hegemony, hold, importance, incidental power, influence, influentiality, insinuation, iron hand, jurisdiction, kingdom, lead, leadership, leverage, magnetism, manage, management, mastery, moment, monarchy, normality, obtain, ordinariness, overrule, oversight, personality, persuasion, political organization, polity, potency, power, predominance, predominate, preponderance, preponderate, pressure, prestige, prevail, prevalence, purchase, raj, rampantness, regime, regimen, regnancy, regulation, repute, rifeness, routineness, rule, rule over, rule the roost, run, say, sovereignty, standardness, suasion, subtle influence, suggestion, supervise, supervision, supremacy, suzerainty, sway, sweepingness, system of government, talons, upper hand, usualness, wear the crown, weight, whip hand, widespreadness, wield the scepter