Synonyms and related words :
advertising writer, analysis, annalist, annotator, art critic, audit, author, authoress, belletrist, bibliographer, book reviewer, captious critic, carper, caviler, censor, censurer, checkup, coauthor, cognoscente, collaborator, columnist, comment, commentator, commenter, compiler, composer, connoisseur, copywriter, creative writer, critic, criticaster, criticizer, critickin, criticule, critique, dance critic, diarist, drama critic, dramatist, editor, editorial writer, editorialist, encyclopedist, essayist, expositor, expounder, faultfinder, free lance, free-lance writer, ghost, ghostwriter, glossarist, glossographer, humorist, inditer, inspection, leader writer, literary artist, literary craftsman, literary critic, literary man, litterateur, logographer, magazine, magazine writer, man of letters, monographer, muckraker, music critic, news analyst, newspaper, newspaperman, notice, novelettist, novelist, organ, pamphleteer, penwoman, periodical, poet, prose writer, publicist, recension, reconsideration, redraft, reflection, rescript, retrospect, retrospection, revisal, revise, revision, scan, scenario writer, scenarist, scholiast, scribe, scriptwriter, scrutiny, second thought, short-story writer, smellfungus, social critic, storyteller, study, survey, technical writer, textual critic, view, word painter, wordsmith, writer