Synonyms and related words :
affection, affectionateness, amativeness, amorousness, autism, autistic thinking, bathos, bleeding heart, cloyingness, demonstrativeness, dereism, dereistic thinking, dreamery, ecstasy, enchantment, flight of fancy, goatishness, goo, hearts-and-flowers, horniness, ideal, idealism, ideality, idealization, imaginative exercise, impracticality, lovelornness, lovesickness, maudlinness, mawkishness, mush, mushiness, namby-pamby, namby-pambyism, namby-pambyness, nostalgia, nostomania, oversentimentalism, oversentimentality, play of fancy, quixotism, quixotry, rapture, romance, sentiment, sentimentalism, sentimentality, sexiness, slop, sloppiness, slush, soap opera, sob story, susceptibility, sweetness and light, tearjerker, unpracticalness, unrealism, unreality, utopianism, visionariness, wish fulfillment, wish-fulfillment fantasy, wishful thinking