Synonyms and related words :
about, all but, all in all, all things considered, almost, altogether, approximately, approximatively, around, as a rule, as a whole, as an approximation, as good as, at irregular intervals, at large, at random, austerely, awkwardly, badly, broadly, broadly speaking, brokenly, brutally, by and large, by catches, by fits, by jerks, by snatches, capriciously, chiefly, choppily, clumsily, coarsely, commonly, crassly, crudely, cruelly, desultorily, disconnectedly, discontinuously, eccentrically, erratically, fitfully, for practical purposes, generally, generally speaking, grimly, grossly, haltingly, hardly, harshly, heartlessly, improperly, in general, in round numbers, in snatches, in spots, in the rough, inartistically, inclemently, inconstantly, indecently, indecorously, indelicately, inefficiently, inelegantly, ineptly, inexpertly, inhumanly, intermittently, irregularly, jaggedly, jerkily, just about, lurchingly, mainly, maladroitly, mercilessly, more or less, most, mostly, nearly, nonuniformly, normally, off and on, offensively, on balance, on the whole, ordinarily, overall, painfully, patchily, pitilessly, practically, predominantly, prevailingly, primitively, raggedly, ribaldly, rigorously, rough, roughly speaking, roundly, routinely, rudely, ruthlessly, savagely, say, severely, spasmodically, speaking generally, sporadically, spottily, sternly, stringently, uncertainly, uncouthly, unevenly, unkindly, unmercifully, unmethodically, unpredictably, unrhythmically, unseemly, unsparingly, unsteadily, unsympathetically, unsystematically, untastefully, usually, variably, violently, vulgarly, well-nigh, whimsically, wobblingly