Synonyms and related words :
Tartuffian, Tartuffish, affected, aggrandized, apotheosized, awesome, beatified, big, blessed, canonized, canting, consecrated, converted, dedicated, deified, devoted, elevated, eminent, ennobled, enshrined, enthroned, exalted, excellent, FALSE, glorified, goody, goody-goody, grand, great, hallowed, held in awe, high, high and mighty, holier-than-thou, hypocritical, immortal, immortalized, insincere, lofty, magnified, mealymouthed, mighty, pharisaic, pietistic, pious, reborn, redeemed, regenerate, regenerated, sacred, sainted, saintly, sanctimonious, saved, self-righteous, set apart, shrined, sniveling, sublime, supereminent, throned, unctuous