Meaning of SATIRE in English

Synonyms and related words :

Atticism, English sonnet, Goliardic verse, Horatian ode, Hudibrastic verse, Italian sonnet, Petrarchan sonnet, Pindaric ode, Rabelaisian, Sapphic ode, Shakespearean sonnet, agile wit, alba, amoebean verse, anacreontic, balada, ballad, ballade, banter, black humor, bucolic, burlesque, canso, caricature, cartoon, causticity, chaffing, chanson, clerihew, comedy, concrete poetry, cubist poetry, cynicism, dirge, dithyramb, dramatic poetry, dry wit, eclogue, elegiac poetry, elegy, epic, epic poetry, epigram, epithalamium, epode, epopee, epopoeia, epos, erotic poetry, esprit, exaggeration, farce, georgic, ghazel, haiku, hatchet job, heroic poetry, humor, idyll, imagist verse, imitation, innuendo, invective, irony, jingle, lampoon, light verse, limerick, lyric, madrigal, malicious parody, melic poetry, metaphysical poetry, mock-heroic poetry, mockery, monody, narrative poem, narrative poetry, nimble wit, nursery rhyme, ode, oral poetry, palinode, parody, pasquil, pasquin, pasquinade, pastiche, pastoral, pastoral elegy, pastorela, pastourelle, persiflage, pleasantry, poem, poison pen, polyphonic prose, pretty wit, prose poetry, prothalamium, quick wit, raillery, ready wit, rhyme, ridicule, rondeau, rondel, roundel, roundelay, runic verse, salt, sarcasm, satiric wit, satirical poetry, savor of wit, sestina, slapstick, slapstick humor, sloka, song, sonnet, sonnet sequence, spoof, spoofery, spoofing, squib, stichomythia, subtle wit, symbolist verse, take-off, takeoff, tanka, tenso, tenzone, threnody, travesty, triolet, troubadour poem, vers de societe, verse, verselet, versicle, villanelle, virelay, visual humor, wicked imitation, wit

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