Synonyms and related words :
asperous, barfy, branny, chalklike, chalky, comminute, comminuted, crappy, crushed, detrital, detrited, disgusting, disintegrated, dusty, efflorescent, farinaceous, fecal, feculent, fetid, filthy, fine, flaky, flocculent, floury, flyblown, foul, furfuraceous, gloppy, gone to dust, grated, ground, gunky, icky, impalpable, lentiginous, lepidote, levigated, maggoty, malodorous, mealy, mephitic, milled, mucky, nasty, nauseating, odious, ordurous, pestled, powdered, powdery, puky, pulverant, pulverized, pulverulent, putrid, rank, reduced to powder, repulsive, rotten, scabby, scabious, scabrous, scaly, scobicular, scobiform, scummy, sharded, shitty, shredded, slabby, slimy, sloppy, sloshy, sludgy, slushy, sposhy, squamous, triturated, vile, vomity, wormy, yecchy