Synonyms and related words :
accepted, adopted, advert to, allude to, analyze, appoint, appointed, approved, assign, be taken as, best, better, carried, champion, choice, choose, choose out, chosen, clannish, cliquish, closed, contradistinguish, cream, cull, dainty, decide between, delicate, demarcate, demark, denominate, denote, designate, designated, determine, differentiate, discriminate, discriminating, distinguish, divide, draw the line, elect, elected, elected by acclamation, elegant, elite, emblematize, embraced, espoused, ethnocentric, excellent, exceptional, excerpt, excluding, exclusive, exclusory, exquisite, extract, fat, favored, favorite, figure, fine, finest, finger, first-class, first-rate, fix, flower, for the best, glean, greatest, handpick, handpicked, inadmissible, indicate, insular, limited, make a selection, mark, mark the interface, matchless, mention, name, named, narrow, nominate, nominated, nonesuch, nonpareil, opt for, optimal, optimum, ordain, ordinate, paragon, paramount, parochial, passed, peerless, pick, pick out, picked, pin down, point at, point out, point to, preclusive, prefer, preferable, preferred, prescriptive, preventive, prime, privileged, prize, prohibitive, queen, quintessence, quintessential, rare, ratified, recherche, refer to, restricted, restrictive, screen, screen out, screened, seclusive, segregate, segregative, selected, selective, separate, separative, set, set a limit, set apart, set off, sever, severalize, sieve, sieve out, sift, sift out, signify, single out, snobbish, snobby, sort, sort out, special, specialize, specify, split hairs, stand for, state, stigmatize, stipulate, subdivide, subtilize, superior, superlative, supreme, surpassing, symbol, symbolize, tab, take, the best, the best ever, the tops, the very best, top, typify, unanimously elected, unmatchable, unmatched, unparalleled, unsurpassed, very best, winnow, xenophobic