Synonyms and related words :
aggressive, bellicose, belligerent, beyond control, bickering, breachy, catty, combative, contumacious, defiant, disputatious, divisive, eristic, factional, factious, fractious, fretful, incorrigible, indocile, indomitable, insuppressible, intractable, irascible, irrepressible, irritable, litigious, nagging, naggy, obstreperous, out of hand, partisan, peevish, pettish, petulant, polarizing, polemic, pugnacious, quarrelsome, querulous, recalcitrant, refractory, resentful, resistant, resisting, restive, unbiddable, uncontrollable, ungovernable, unmalleable, unmanageable, unmoldable, unruly, unsubmissive, vixenish, vixenly, wild, wrangling