Synonyms and related words :
bad, coming apart, cracking, crumbling, decadent, declining, degenerate, despaired of, deteriorating, disintegrating, done for, draining, drooping, dwindling, dying, ebbing, effete, expiring, facing death, fading, failing, falling, flagging, fragmenting, given up, going, going to pieces, gone to seed, hopeless, in articulo mortis, in extremis, incapable of life, languishing, low, marcescent, moribund, near death, nonviable, on the downgrade, out of condition, out of shape, out of training, pining, regressive, retrograde, retrogressive, run to seed, rusty, shriveling, sinking, sliding, slipping away, slumping, soft, stiff, subsiding, tabetic, terminal, waning, wasting, wilting, withering, worsening