Synonyms and related words :
absolute, all-knowing, all-powerful, all-seeing, all-wise, almighty, anointed king, arch, ascendant, at the head, autarchic, autarkic, autonomous, banner, blue-ribbon, boss, boundless, capital, cardinal, central, champion, changeless, chief, chieftain, classical, coin, commanding, controlling, creating, creative, crown, crowned head, crowning, directing, dominant, double eagle, doubloon, ducat, dynast, dynastic, eagle, emperor, eternal, eternally the same, everlasting, fine, first, first-class, five-dollar gold piece, focal, foremost, free-spirited, freewheeling, general, glorious, gold piece, good, governing, grand duke, great, guiding, guinea, half crown, half eagle, hallowed, hard money, head, headmost, hegemonic, hegemonistic, high chief, highest, holy, immortal, immutable, imperator, imperatorial, imperatorious, imperial, imperious, in ascendancy, in charge, in chief, in the ascendant, independent, individualistic, infinite, inner-directed, just, king, king-emperor, kinglet, kinglike, kingly, leading, limitless, lord paramount, loving, luminous, magisterial, main, majestic, majesty, making, master, merciful, moidore, monarch, monarchal, monarchial, monarchic, monarchical, napoleon, neutral, nonaligned, nonpartisan, number one, numinous, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, one, overbearing, overlord, overruling, paramount, permanent, perpetual, petty king, piece, piece of money, piece of silver, plenipotentiary, potentate, pound sovereign, predominant, predominate, preeminent, prepollent, preponderant, preponderate, prepotent, prevailing, prevalent, primal, primary, prime, prince, prince consort, princelike, princely, principal, purple, queenlike, queenly, radiant, ranking, regal, regnant, regulating, regulative, regulatory, reigning, roll of coins, rouleau, royal, royal personage, royalty, ruler, ruling, sacred, self-contained, self-dependent, self-determined, self-directing, self-governed, self-governing, self-reliant, self-subsistent, self-sufficient, self-supporting, separate, shaping, specie, star, stellar, supereminent, supreme, suzerain, ten-dollar gold piece, tetrarch, third-force, third-world, timeless, topflight, twenty-dollar gold piece, ubiquitous, unbounded, unchanging, undefined, unlimited