Synonyms and related words :
abjure, ban, banish, beat back, blackball, brush aside, brush off, cast out, chase, chase away, chase off, chuck, chuck out, cold-shoulder, contemn, contradict, cut, cut direct, decline, deny, deport, despise, disapprove, discard, disclaim, discount, disdain, disfellowship, dismiss, disown, disregard, drive away, drive back, except, exclude, excommunicate, exile, expatriate, expel, extradite, fend off, flout, forswear, fugitate, fuss, hold off, humiliation, ignore, keep off, look down upon, ostracize, outlaw, pack off, pass by, pass up, pick and choose, proscribe, push aside, push back, put back, rebuff, recant, refuse, refuse to consider, refuse to receive, reject, relegate, renounce, repel, reprobate, repudiate, repulse, rusticate, scoff, scorn, scorn to receive, scout, send away, send down, send off, send packing, send to Coventry, shove away, slight, sneer, sneer at, sneeze at, sniff, snort, snub, spit upon, spurning, steer clear of, the cold shoulder, the go-by, throw away, throw out, thrust back, thrust out, transport, turn away, turn back, turn down, turn out, waive, ward off