Meaning of STELLAR in English

Synonyms and related words :

Cynthian, actor-proof, all-star, anagalactic, arch, asteroidal, astral, astrologic, astrologistic, astrologous, astronomic, astrophysical, ballet, balletic, banner, capital, cardinal, celestial, central, champion, chief, cinematic, cinematographic, circumplanetary, cislunar, cock, crowning, dominant, dramatic, dramatical, dramaturgic, empyreal, empyrean, equinoctial, extragalactic, film, filmic, first, focal, foremost, galactic, gleaming, great, ham, hammy, headmost, heavenly, hegemonic, heliacal, histrionic, intercosmic, interplanetary, intersidereal, interstellar, leading, legitimate, luminous, lunar, lunary, lunate, lunular, lunulate, lustrous, magisterial, main, major, master, melodramatic, meteoric, meteoritic, milked, monodramatic, movie, nebular, nebulose, nebulous, operatic, outstanding, overacted, overplayed, overruling, paramount, planetal, planetarian, planetary, planetesimal, predominant, preeminent, preponderant, prevailing, primal, primary, prime, principal, ranking, ruling, scenic, semilunar, shining, sidereal, solar, sovereign, spectacular, sphery, stagelike, stageworthy, stagy, star, star-spangled, star-studded, starlike, starring, starry, starstruck, stellary, supereminent, terrestrial, theaterlike, theatrical, thespian, thrown away, topflight, twinkling, underacted, underplayed, uranic, vaudevillian, zodiacal

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