Synonyms and related words :
abatis, abdomen, abide, abomasum, accept, aftertaste, anus, appendix, appetite, bay window, bear, bear with, beard, beerbelly, belly, bitter, blind gut, blink at, bowels, brain, brains, breadbasket, brook, canine appetite, cecum, chitterlings, cockscomb, colon, condone, connive at, corporation, countenance, craving, craw, crop, desire, diaphragm, digest, disregard, down, drought, dryness, duodenum, eat, embonpoint, emptiness, empty stomach, endocardium, endure, entrails, first stomach, flavor, foregut, giblets, gizzard, go, gullet, gust, gut, guts, hankering, haslet, have, hear of, heart, hindgut, hollow hunger, honeycomb stomach, hunger, hungriness, ignore, inclination, indulge, innards, inner mechanism, insides, internals, intestine, inwards, jejunum, kidney, kidneys, kishkes, large intestine, liver, liver and lights, longing, lung, manyplies, marrow, maw, midgut, midriff, need, omasum, overlook, palate, paunch, perineum, pocket, pocket the affront, polydipsia, pot, potbelly, potgut, psalterium, pump, pusgut, put up with, pylorus, rectum, relish, rennet bag, reticulum, rumen, salt, sapidity, sapor, savor, savoriness, second stomach, smack, small intestine, sour, spare tire, spleen, stand, stand for, stick, suffer, swagbelly, swallow, swallow an insult, sweet, sweet tooth, sweetbread, take, tang, tapeworm, taste, third stomach, thirst, thirstiness, ticker, tolerance, tolerate, tongue, tooth, torment of Tantalus, tripe, tripes, tum-tum, tummy, turn aside provocation, underbelly, venter, ventripotence, vermiform appendix, viscera, vitals, wink at, works, yearning