Synonyms and related words :
Spenserian stanza, abrade, affectation, affiliation, agitation, aim, air, all-overs, anacrusis, ancestry, angst, animal kingdom, animus, antistrophe, anxiety, anxiety hysteria, anxiety neurosis, anxious bench, anxious concern, anxious seat, anxiousness, apparentation, apprehension, apprehensiveness, aptitude, aria, back down, balance, balk, bark, bass passage, be determined, belie, bent, bias, bid for, birth, bleed, blemish, blench, bloat, bloating, blood, bloodline, bloody, boggle, bolt, book, bourdon, bracket, brain fag, branch, brand, break, breaking point, breed, bridge, brood, burden, burn, cadence, camouflage, cankerworm of care, canto, cantus, care, cast, caste, category, chafe, character, check, chill, chilliness, chip, chorus, clan, clarify, class, claw, clear, coda, coldness, color, command of language, common ancestry, community, complexion, concern, concernment, consanguinity, constitution, contend for, continue, coolness, couplet, crack, crane, craze, culture, cut, damage, debate, debilitation, debility, decrassify, deliberate, demand, deme, demur, denomination, depurate, derivation, descant, descendants, descent, description, designation, determination, development, diathesis, direct line, disaffinity, discharge, disguise, disposition, disquiet, disquietude, distaff side, distension, distich, distill, distort, distress, disturbance, division, draft, drag, drag out, drain, draw, draw off, draw out, dread, dress up, drift, drive, eccentricity, edulcorate, effort, effuse, elongate, elongation, elute, embellish, embroider, emit, endeavor, enervation, enfeeblement, enmity, envoi, epode, essentialize, estate, ethnic group, evidence, exaggeration, exceed, excrete, exertion, exfiltrate, exposition, expression of ideas, extend, extension, extract, extraction, extravasate, extreme tension, exudate, exude, eyestrain, faintness, falsify, falter, family, fashion, fatigue, fear, feather, feeling for words, female line, fight shy of, figure, filiation, filter, filtrate, flinch, folderol, folk, force, foreboding, forebodingness, form, form of speech, fracture, fray, frazzle, fret, frost, fudge, gag, gall, garble, gash, genre, gens, genus, gild, give off, gloss, gloss over, goneness, grace of expression, grade, grain, grandiloquence, group, grouping, hang back, hang off, harass, harm, harmonic close, haul, have qualms, head, heading, heart strain, heave, hem and haw, heptastich, heritage, hesitate, hexastich, hint, hold off, house, hover, hum and haw, humor, hurt, iciness, idiosyncrasy, ilk, impair, impression, incise, inclination, incompatibility, incompatibleness, indication, individualism, inflate, inflation, inhospitality, inimicality, injure, injury, inquietude, interlude, intermezzo, introductory phrase, irk, jadedness, jib, kidney, kin, kind, label, labor, lacerate, languor, lassitude, lay, leach, leaning, lengthen, lengthen out, lengthening, let out, level, line, line of descent, lineage, literary style, lixiviate, lot, lug, maim, make, make an effort, make bones about, make mincemeat of, makeup, malaise, male line, manner, manner of speaking, mannerism, mark, mask, matriclan, maul, measure, melodia, melodic line, melody, mental fatigue, mental set, mental strain, mettle, mind, mind-set, miscite, miscolor, misconstrue, misdirect, misgiving, misinterpret, misquote, misrender, misreport, misrepresent, misstate, misuse, mode, mode of expression, moil, mold, monostich, mood, movement, music, musical phrase, musical sentence, mutilate, nation, nationality, nature, nervous strain, nervous tension, nervousness, note, number, obligation, octastich, octave, octet, ooze, order, ornament, ottava rima, overanxiety, overburden, overcarrying, overdevelop, overdistend, overdistension, overdoing, overdraw, overdrawing, overemphasis, overexercise, overexert, overexertion, overexpand, overexpansion, overexpenditure, overextend, overextension, overimportance, overreaching, overreaction, overstate, overstrain, overstraining, overstress, overstretch, overstretching, overtax, overtaxing, overtiredness, overuse, overwork, pain, parentage, part, passage, patriclan, pause, peculiarity, pedigree, pentastich, people, percolate, period, personal conflict, personal style, persuasion, perturbation, pervert, phrase, phratry, phylum, pierce, pigeonhole, pins and needles, plant kingdom, ponder, position, predicament, predilection, predisposition, preference, press, pressure, proclivity, produce, production, prolong, prolongate, prolongation, propensity, protract, protraction, pucker, pull, pull back, pull for, puncture, purify, push, quail, quality, quatrain, race, rack, rank, rating, recoil, rectify, reek, refine, refrain, rend, resolution, resolve, response, retreat, rhetoric, rhyme royal, rip, ritornello, roots, rubric, run, rupture, savage, scald, scorch, scotch, scrape, scratch, screen, scruple, scuff, section, seed, seek, seep, sense of language, separate, sept, septet, sestet, set, sew, sextet, shape, shilly-shally, shrink, shy, shy at, side, sieve, sift, sign, skin, slant, slash, sleepiness, slit, snapping point, society, solicitude, solo, solo part, song, soprano part, sort, sound, soupcon, spear side, species, speech community, spin out, spindle side, spirit, spiritualize, sprain, stab, stamp, stance fatigue, stanza, statement, station, status, stave, stem, stew, stick, stick at, stickle, stirps, stock, stop to consider, straddle the fence, strain at, strain every nerve, strain for, straining, strains, stratum, streak, stress, stress and strain, stressfulness, stretch, stretch out, stretching, string out, stringing out, stripe, strive, strive for, striving, strophe, struggle, struggle for, study, stumble, style, stylistic analysis, stylistics, subdivision, subgroup, sublimate, sublime, suborder, succession, suggestion, supererogation, surpass, suspense, suspicion, sweat, sweat blood, swell, swelling, sword side, syllable, tailpiece, tauten, tautness, tax, taxing, tear, temper, temperament, tendency, tenor, tense, tenseness, tension, tercet, terza rima, tetrastich, the grand style, the like of, the likes of, the plain style, the sublime, theme, think twice about, thread, tighten, tiredness, titivate, title, toil, tone, torture, totem, trace, trait, transpire, transude, traumatize, treble, tribe, trick, trick out, triplet, tristich, trouble, try, try for, try hard, tug, tune, turn, turn of mind, tutti, tutti passage, twist, type, unamiability, uncordiality, understate, uneasiness, unfriendliness, ungeniality, unquietness, unsociability, upset, variation, variety, varnish, vein, verse, vestige, vexation, warp, waver, way, weakness, wearifulness, weariness, weep, whitewash, wince, winnow, withdraw, work, worry, wound, wrench, yield, zeal