Synonyms and related words :
acid rock, adapted, apartment, array, attendance, attendant, attendants, avant-garde jazz, ballroom music, batch, battery, bebop, block, body, body of retainers, boogie-woogie, bop, chain, chambers, clutch, cohort, cold-water flat, collection, conformable, consecution, convoy, cortege, country rock, court, dance music, dances, duplex apartment, entourage, escort, fitted, flat, folk rock, follower, followers, following, garden apartment, hard rock, hot jazz, jazz, jive, kit, lodgings, lot, mainstream jazz, matched, musical suite, number, outfit, pack, parasite, parcel, penthouse, progression, rag, ragtime, railroad flat, rental, retainers, retinue, rhythm-and-blues, rock, rock-and-roll, rooms, rout, row, satellite, sequel, sequence, series, set, set of rooms, sort, string, suit, suite of dances, suited, swing, syncopated music, syncopation, tenement, the new music, train