Meaning of SUPERFICIALLY in English

Synonyms and related words :

amain, apace, apparently, aridly, as it seems, at first sight, at once, barrenly, bloodlessly, by forced marches, colorlessly, cursorily, dismally, draggily, drearily, drearisomely, dryly, dully, dustily, effetely, emptily, expeditiously, exteriorly, externally, feverishly, frivolously, furiously, hand over fist, hastily, heavily, helter-skelter, hollowly, hotfoot, hurriedly, hurry-scurry, idly, immaterially, immediately, in passing, inanely, inconsequentially, insignificantly, insipidly, instantly, jejunely, lifelessly, lightly, on the outside, on the run, on the surface, openly, ostensibly, out, outside, outwardly, outwards, pallidly, pell-mell, pettily, ploddingly, pointlessly, ponderously, prima facie, promptly, publically, quickly, seemingly, shallowly, slapdash, slowly, speedily, spiritlessly, stodgily, stuffily, swiftly, tastelessly, tediously, to all appearances, to all seeming, to the eye, triflingly, trivially, unessentially, unimportantly, uninterestingly, vapidly, with a rush, with all haste, with dispatch, with haste, without

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