Synonyms and related words :
TLC, aid, aliment, alimentation, alimony, backing, board, bread, bread and butter, care, carriage, carrying, cheer, chow, comestibles, continualness, continuance, continuation, continuity, creature comfort, cuisine, daily bread, eatables, eats, economic support, edibles, endowment, endurance, extension, fare, fast food, feast, food, food and drink, foodstuff, foodstuffs, groceries, grub, health food, ingesta, junk food, keep, kitchen stuff, lengthening, livelihood, living, maintenance, manna, meat, moral support, mothering, nosh, nourishment, nurture, nutriment, pabulum, pap, perpetuation, perseverance, persistence, price support, progress, progression, prolongation, protraction, provender, provision, provisions, psychological support, pursuance, rations, refection, refreshment, reliance, repetition, run, salt, scoff, security blanket, spread, staying power, straight course, subsidization, subsidy, subsistence, subvention, support, supportive relationship, supportive therapy, sustained action, sustaining, sustainment, sustentation, table, tender loving care, tucker, uninterrupted course, unremittingness, upholding, upkeep, viands, victuals, vittles, way