Synonyms and related words :
Cyrenaic, Heliogabalus, Sardanapalus, aesthete, bon vivant, carpet knight, epicure, epicurean, gastronome, gourmand, gourmet, hedonist, jet-setter, playboy, pleasure-seeker, sensualist, sensuist, swine, voluptuary
Synonyms and related words :
Cyrenaic, Heliogabalus, Sardanapalus, aesthete, bon vivant, carpet knight, epicure, epicurean, gastronome, gourmand, gourmet, hedonist, jet-setter, playboy, pleasure-seeker, sensualist, sensuist, swine, voluptuary
Moby thesaurus English vocabulary. Английский словарь Moby Тезаурус . 2012