Meaning of THREE DIMENSIONAL in English

Synonyms and related words :

3-D, broad-bodied, bulky, bullnecked, coarse, corpulent, crass, cubic, deltoid, dense, dimensional, fat, flat, fourth-dimensional, full, full-bodied, gross, heavy, heavyset, massive, microscopic, panchromatic, photo, photoactive, photogenic, photographic, photosensitive, proportional, space, space-time, spatial, spatiotemporal, spherical, stereoscopic, superficial, surface, telephoto, telephotographic, telescopic, thick, thick-bodied, thickset, three-cornered, three-footed, three-pronged, three-sided, tintype, triangular, triangulate, triarch, trichotomous, tricorn, tricornered, tricuspid, trident, tridental, trifid, triflorate, triflorous, trifurcate, trigonal, trigonoid, trigrammatic, trihedral, trilateral, trimerous, triparted, tripartite, tripodic, triquetral, triquetrous, trisected, two-dimensional, viscous, volumetric

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