Synonyms and related words :
achievement, achromatism, alerion, animal charge, annulet, apply paint, argent, armorial bearings, armory, arms, azure, bandeau, bar, bar sinister, baton, bearings, bedaub, bedizen, begild, bend, bend sinister, besmear, besprinkle, billet, blazon, blazonry, bordure, breathe, brew, broad arrow, brush on paint, cadency mark, calcimine, canton, cast, chaplet, charge, chevron, chief, chromatism, chromism, chromogen, coat, coat of arms, coat of paint, coating, cockatrice, color, color balance, color filter, color gelatin, color harmony, color scheme, colorant, coloration, coloring, complexion, coronet, cover, crescent, crest, cross, cross moline, crown, dab, dash, daub, dead-color, decoct, decorator color, deep-dye, device, difference, differencing, dip, distemper, double-dye, dredge, drier, dye, dyestuff, eagle, emblazon, enamel, engild, entincture, ermine, ermines, erminites, erminois, escutcheon, exterior paint, face, falcon, fast-dye, fess, fess point, field, file, flanch, flat coat, flat wash, flavor, fleur-de-lis, floor enamel, fresco, fret, fur, fusil, garland, gild, glaze, gleam, gloss, grain, griffin, ground, gules, gyron, hatchment, helmet, heraldic device, hint, honor point, hue, idea, illuminate, imbrue, imbue, impalement, impaling, impregnate, inescutcheon, infiltrate, infuse, infusion, ingrain, inkling, instill, interior paint, intimation, japan, key, label, lacquer, lay on color, leaven, lick, lion, look, lozenge, mantling, marshaling, martlet, mascle, medium, metal, motto, mullet, natural color, nombril point, octofoil, opaque color, or, ordinary, orle, paint, pale, pallor, paly, parget, pean, penetrate, permeate, pervade, pheon, pigment, prime, prime coat, primer, priming, purpure, quarter, quartering, rose, sable, saltire, saturate, sauce, scintilla, scutcheon, season, seasoning, shade, shadow, shellac, shield, sip, skin color, slop on paint, smack, smattering, smear, smell, soupcon, spark, spice, spread eagle, sprinkling, stain, steep, stipple, strain, streak, subordinary, suffuse, suggestion, sup, suspicion, taint, taste, temper, tempera, tempering, tenne, thinner, thought, tinct, tinction, tinge, tint, tone, torse, touch, trace, transfuse, transparent color, tressure, turpentine, turps, undercoat, undercoating, undercolor, unicorn, vair, varnish, vehicle, vert, vestige, wash, wash coat, whitewash, wreath, yale