Synonyms and related words :
affect the interest, amuse, appeal, attract, be attractive, becharm, beckon, beguile, bewitch, captivate, carry away, charm, concern, convulse, delectate, delight, divert, enchant, engage, enliven, enrapture, enravish, entertain, enthrall, entrance, excite, excite interest, exhilarate, fascinate, fetch, flush, fracture one, freak out, give a thrill, imparadise, interest, intoxicate, invite, involve in, kill, knock dead, knock out, loosen up, pique, provoke, raise a laugh, raise a smile, ravish, recreate, refresh, regale, relax, send, slay, solace, stimulate, summon, tantalize, tease, tempt, thrill, tickle, tickle pink, transport, whet the appetite, wow|