Synonyms and related words :
abuse, afflict, affliction, aggravate, aggrieve, agonize, agonizingness, agony, ail, anguish, annoy, annoyance, annoyer, atrocious pain, badger, badgerer, bait, bane, be at, be the matter, bedevil, befoul, beset, bewitch, bite, blight, bloody, bother, break down, bring to tears, bristle, brown off, bug, bugbear, bully, bullyrag, burden, burn, burn up, calamity, chafe, chevy, chivy, claw, clawing, complicate matters, concern, condemn, confinement, convulse, corrupt, cruciation, crucifixion, crucify, crush, crushing burden, curse, cut, cut up, damage, death, defile, deprave, desolate, desolateness, desolation, despoil, destroy, destruction, devil, disadvantage, discommode, discompose, disease, dismemberment, disserve, distemper, distress, disturb, do a mischief, do evil, do ill, do wrong, do wrong by, dog, doom, draw tears, embitter, envenom, estrapade, evil, exasperate, excruciate, excruciatingness, excruciation, exercise, fash, fester, fret, fretting, gall, galleys, get, get into trouble, give pain, gnaw, grate, grievance, grieve, grind, gripe, harass, harasser, harassment, hard labor, harm, harrier, harrow, harry, haunt, heartbreak, heartsickness, heckle, heckler, hector, hell, hell upon earth, hex, holocaust, horror, hound, hunt, hurt, impair, impale, impalement, imprisonment, incarceration, inconvenience, infect, inflame, inflict pain, infliction, injure, inundate, irk, irritate, irritation, jailing, jinx, keelhauling, kill by inches, lacerate, laceration, lancinate, lancination, macerate, maltreat, martyr, martyrdom, martyrization, martyrize, menace, miff, misery, mistreat, molest, nag, needle, needling, nemesis, nettle, nightmare, nip, nudnik, nudzh, nuisance, open wound, oppress, ordeal, outrage, overwhelm, pain, painfulness, passion, peeve, penal servitude, perplex, persecute, persecution, persecutor, perturb, pest, pester, pesterer, pestilence, pick on, picketing, pierce, pinch, pique, plague, plaguer, play havoc with, play hob with, pluck the beard, poison, pollute, pother, prejudice, prick, prolong the agony, prostrate, provoke, punish, purgatory, pursue, put out, put to it, put to torture, puzzle, rack, railriding, rankle, rasp, ride, rile, rip, rock pile, roil, rub, ruffle, running sore, sadist, savage, scarify, scathe, scourge, smite, sorrow, stab, sting, strappado, suffering, taint, tar-and-feathering, tease, teaser, the gantlet, thorn, threaten, tormentingness, tormentor, torture, torturousness, trouble, try, try the patience, tweak, tweak the nose, twist, vex, vexation, victimize, violate, visitation, woe, worriedness, worries and cares, worriment, worry, worrying, wound, wreak havoc on, wretchedness, wring, wrong