Meaning of TRIFLING in English

Synonyms and related words :

Mickey Mouse, airy, asinine, banal, bickering, brimful, brimming, captious, catchpenny, caviling, chic, chipper, chitchat, chitter-chatter, choplogic, classy, commonplace, coquetry, crammed, crowded, cursory, dabbling, dalliance, dallying, dashing, dawdling, depthless, dillydallying, dolce far niente, empty, equivocatory, evasive, fashionable, fatuous, few, fiddling, flimsy, flirtation, fooling, fooling around, foolish, footling, fribble, fribbling, frivolous, frothy, futile, goofing off, hairsplitting, hedging, hollow, idle, idling, inane, incidental, inconsequential, inconsiderable, insignificant, insipid, jammed, jejune, jerking off, kidding around, lazing, light, lingering, little, loaded, loafing, logic-chopping, loitering, lolling, lounging, low, meager, measly, messing around, miniature, minor, modish, monkeying, monkeying around, mopery, neat, negligible, niggling, nit-picking, no great shakes, nugacious, nugatory, orderly, otiose, packed, paltering, paltry, petty, picayune, picayunish, piddling, playing, playing around, pottering, puny, pussyfooting, puttering, quibbling, shallow, sharp, shipshape, short, shuffling, silly, skin-deep, slender, slight, small, smart, smattering, snappy, snug, spick-and-span, superficial, swank, tarrying, tidy, tinkering, tiny, toying, trichoschistic, trig, trim, trite, trivial, uncluttered, unimportant, vacuous, vain, valueless, vapid, well-groomed, windy, worthless

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