Synonyms and related words :
adduct, adduction, affinity, allurement, attract, attractance, attraction, attractiveness, attractivity, back band, backstrap, battle, be magnetic, bearing rein, bellyband, bit, blinders, blinds, breeching, bridle, caparison, capillarity, capillary attraction, cavesson, centripetal force, checkrein, cheekpiece, chinband, cinch, collar, crownband, crupper, curb, draft, drag, draggle, draw, draw towards, drive, fight, gag swivel, girth, gravitation, gravity, hackamore, hale, halter, hames, hametugs, harness, haul, have an attraction, headgear, headstall, heave, hip straps, jaquima, jerk line, lines, lug, lure, magnet, magnetism, magnetize, martingale, moil, mutual attraction, noseband, oppugn, overexert, overexertion, overextend, overextension, overstrain, overstress, overtax, overtaxing, pole strap, press, pull, pull towards, pulling power, rack, reins, ribbons, saddle, shaft tug, side check, snaffle, snake, strain, strain every nerve, straining, stress, stress and strain, stressfulness, stretch, strive, surcingle, sweat blood, sympathy, tack, tackle, take in tow, tax, taxing, tense, tension, toil, tow, traction, trail, train, trappings, trawl, troll, war, warfare, winker braces, work, yoke