Synonyms and related words :
alight upon, apprehend, arsy-varsiness, ball up, bite the dust, blow down, blow over, blunder, blunder upon, blur, blur distinctions, bollix up, bow, bowl down, bowl over, break up, breakdown, bring down, bulldog, bump into, capsize, careen, career, cast down, catch on, chance upon, chop down, clutter, collapse, come a cropper, come across, come down, come on, come up against, come upon, comedown, comprehend, confound, confuse, crash, cropper, crumble, crumble to dust, culbute, cut down, dash down, deck, deflation, descend, dig, discover serendipitously, disintegrate, dive, down, downfall, drop, dump, encounter, fall, fall down, fall flat, fall headlong, fall in with, fall over, fall prostrate, fall to pieces, falter, farrago, fell, fetch down, fidget, flip out, floor, flop, flounce, flounder, flutter, forced landing, foul up, freak out on, fumble, garble, get a cropper, get high on, glow, go down, go pitapat, go to pieces, go under, ground, grovel, happen upon, hash, have enough, have the fidgets, have the shakes, header, heave, helter-skelter, hew down, higgledy-piggledy, hit upon, hobbyhorse, hodgepodge, hysteron proteron, jerk, jumble, jumble together, keel over, knock down, labor, lay level, lay low, lay out, level, lick the dust, light upon, list, litter, lose, lose out, lose the day, lurch, make heavy weather, mash, meet up with, meet with, mess, mishmash, mix, mix up, mow down, muck up, muddle, nose dive, overlook distinctions, palpitate, pant, perceive, pi, pitch, pitch and plunge, pitch and toss, play hob with, plunge, pound, pratfall, precipitate, prostrate, pull down, quake, quaver, quiver, rase, raze, rear, reel, riffle, rock, roll, rummage, run across, run into, run up against, say uncle, scend, scramble, screw up, see the light, seethe, send headlong, shake, shiver, shuffle, slip, slump, smash, snafu, snarl up, spill, sprawl, spread-eagle, squirm, stagger, struggle, stumble, stumble on, stumble upon, succumb, supinate, sway, swell, swell with emotion, swing, tailspin, take a fall, take a flop, take a header, take a pratfall, take a spill, take down, take the count, thrash about, thrill, thrill to, throb, throw, throw down, tilt, tingle, tingle with excitement, topple, topple down, topple over, topsy-turviness, topsy-turvydom, toss, toss and tumble, toss and turn, totter, tremble, trip, tumble on, tumble to, turmoil, turn on to, turn turtle, twist and turn, twitch, twitter, understand, unholy mess, upset, volutation, wallop, wallow, welter, whack down, wiggle, wise up, wriggle, writhe, yaw