Synonyms and related words :
French pitch, accommodate, accord, accordance, adapt, adjust, adjust to, agreement, air, align, aria, assimilate, assonate, atone, attend to, attune, attunement, be aware of, be blind to, be harmonious, be in tune, blend, calibrate, canto, cantus, capacitate, carol, chant, chart, chime, chiming, chord, chorus, classical pitch, codify, composition, concentus, concert, concord, concordance, condition, conform, conformity, consonance, consonancy, consort, coordinate, correspondence, cut to, depth, descant, dial, diapason, disregard, dulcetness, enable, equalize, equip, euphony, extent, fit, fix, furnish, gear to, harmonics, harmonize, harmony, heavy harmony, height, high pitch, homologate, homologize, homophony, ignore, integrate, key, key to, lay, line, listen to, low pitch, magnitude, make plumb, make uniform, matter, measure, mellifluence, mellifluousness, melodia, melodic line, melodiousness, melodize, melody, methodize, monochord, monody, motif, musical quality, musical sound, musicality, musicalize, neighborhood, new philharmonic pitch, normalize, note, number, organize, pay attention to, philharmonic pitch, philosophical pitch, piece, pitch, plan, proportion, put in trim, put in tune, qualify, range, rationalize, reconcile, rectify, refrain, register, regularize, regulate, right, routinize, set, set right, settle, similarize, solo, solo part, song, soprano part, sound in tune, sound together, standard pitch, standardize, strain, string, suit, sweetness, symphonize, symphony, sync, synchronism, synchronization, synchronize, systematize, tailor, theme, three-part harmony, tonality, tone, tone down, tone up, treble, trim to, TRUE, true up, tune out, tune up, tunefulness, understand, unison, unisonance, vicinity, vocalize, voice, warble