Synonyms and related words :
Parthian shot, accuse, allege, anthem, arraign, article, ass, back answer, badinage, ballad, banter, barrack, berate, blame, blockhead, book, bring accusation, bring charges, bring to book, cackle, cajole, call, carol, caustic remark, caw, censure, chaff, chant, charge, chatter, cheep, chide, chirk, chirp, chirr, chirrup, chitter, choir, chorus, chuck, chump, cite, clack, cluck, cock-a-doodle-doo, comeback, complain, contemn, coo, crack, croak, cronk, croon, crow, cuckoo, cut, cut at, cutting remark, denounce, denunciate, deride, descant, dig, dig at, do-re-mi, dope, drum, dump, dump on, exchange, fasten on, fasten upon, finger, fleer, flout, fool, foolery, fooling, fooling around, gabble, gaggle, gibe, gibing retort, give-and-take, gobble, good-natured banter, guggle, hang something on, harmless teasing, haze, honk, hoo, hoot, hum, hymn, idiot, imbecile, impeach, imply, impute, indict, inform against, inform on, insinuate, intonate, intone, jab, jab at, jape, jeer, jeer at, jerk, jest, jibe, jive, joke, jolly, josh, kid, kidding, kidding around, lay charges, leg-pull, lilt, lodge a complaint, lodge a plaint, lout, make fun of, minstrel, mock, moron, needle, nincompoop, ninny, nitwit, parting shot, peep, persiflage, pin on, pip, pipe, pleasantry, pooh, pooh-pooh, prefer charges, press charges, psalm, put down, put on, put on report, put-down, put-on, quack, quaver, quip, quiz, rag, rail at, raillery, rally, rallying, rank out, razz, report, reprehend, reproach, reprove, revile, rib, ride, ridicule, roast, roll, roulade, rude reproach, scoff, scold, scorn, scout, scurrility, serenade, shake, short answer, simpleton, sing, sing in chorus, slam, slap, slap at, sneer, sneer at, sol-fa, solmizate, sport, squawk, swipe, take to task, task, taunt, taunt with, tax, tease, tremolo, trill, troll, tweak, tweedle, tweedledee, tweet, twitter, upbraid, verbal thrust, vocalize, warble, whistle, yodel