Synonyms and related words :
absolute, authentic, bald, bare, beyond all praise, blank, bleached, bona fide, bright, candid, card-carrying, chaste, clarified, clean, cleanly, clear, dainty, defectless, dinkum, dirt-free, distilled, fair, fastidious, faultless, flawless, following the letter, fresh, genuine, good, honest, honest-to-God, ideal, immaculate, impeccable, inartificial, indefectible, indefective, infallible, irreproachable, just right, kosher, lawful, legitimate, lifelike, literal, naked, natural, naturalistic, neat, nonpolluted, nude, of cleanly habits, original, peerless, perfect, plain, pure, purified, real, realistic, rectified, rightful, ritually pure, sheer, shiny, simon-pure, simple, sincere, sinless, smut-free, smutless, spotless, stainless, sterling, straight, sure-enough, sweet, tahar, taintless, true to life, true to nature, true to reality, tubbed, unadorned, unaffected, unalloyed, unarrayed, unassumed, unassuming, unbesmirched, unblemished, unblended, unblotted, uncolored, uncombined, uncomplicated, uncompounded, unconcocted, uncontaminated, uncopied, uncorrupted, uncounterfeited, undecked, undecorated, undefiled, undiluted, undisguised, undisguising, undistorted, undressed, unembellished, unexaggerated, unfabricated, unfanciful, unfaultable, unfeigned, unfeigning, unfictitious, unflattering, unfortified, unfurbished, ungarnished, unimagined, unimitated, uninvented, unleavened, unmingled, unmitigated, unmixed, unmuddied, unornamented, unpolluted, unpretended, unpretending, unqualified, unromantic, unsimulated, unsmirched, unsmudged, unsoiled, unsophisticated, unspecious, unspotted, unstained, unsullied, unsynthetic, untainted, untarnished, untinged, untrimmed, unvarnished, verbal, verbatim, veridical, verisimilar, well-scrubbed, well-washed, white, whitened, word-for-word