Synonyms and related words :
abiding, accordant, adamant, adamantine, alike, automatic, balanced, cast-iron, changeless, consistent, consonant, constant, continuing, continuous, correspondent, dour, durable, enduring, equable, equal, even, firm, fixed, flat, flinty, frozen, grim, hard, hard-core, homogeneous, immobile, immovable, immutable, implacable, impliable, inalterable, incommutable, inconvertible, indefeasible, inelastic, inert, inexorable, inflexible, insusceptible of change, intact, intransigent, intransmutable, invariable, inviolate, iron, irreconcilable, irretrievable, irreversible, irrevocable, lasting, level, measured, mechanical, methodic, monolithic, noble, nonreturnable, nonreversible, of a piece, ordered, orderly, permanent, perpetual, persistent, quiescent, regular, relentless, remaining, reverseless, rigid, rigorous, robotlike, rock-ribbed, smooth, solid, stable, static, stationary, staying, steadfast, steady, steely, stern, stiff, sustained, systematic, torpid, unaffected, unalterable, unalterative, unaltered, unbending, unbroken, unchanged, unchanging, unchecked, uncompromising, undeflectable, undestroyed, undeviating, undifferentiated, undiversified, unfading, unfailing, ungiving, uniform, unmodifiable, unmovable, unmoved, unrelenting, unremitting, unrestorable, unreturnable, unruffled, unshifting, unsusceptible, unvariable, unvaried, unvarying, unyielding