Synonyms and related words :
achromatic, achromic, anemic, ashen, ashy, authentic, bled white, bloodless, bona fide, cadaverous, candid, card-carrying, chloranemic, colorless, dead, deadly pale, deathly pale, dim, dimmed, dingy, dinkum, discolored, dispassionate, dull, equal, equitable, etiolated, exsanguinated, exsanguine, exsanguineous, faded, faint, fallow, flat, following the letter, genuine, ghastly, good, gray, haggard, honest, honest-to-God, hueless, hypochromic, impartial, inartificial, just, lackluster, lawful, leaden, legitimate, lifelike, literal, livid, lurid, lusterless, mat, mealy, muddy, natural, naturalistic, neutral, objective, original, pale, pale as death, pale-faced, pallid, pasty, pure, real, realistic, rightful, sallow, sickly, simon-pure, simple, sincere, sterling, sure-enough, tallow-faced, toneless, true to life, true to nature, true to reality, unadulterated, unaffected, unassumed, unassuming, unbiased, unconcocted, uncopied, uncounterfeited, undisguised, undisguising, undistorted, unexaggerated, unfabricated, unfanciful, unfeigned, unfeigning, unfictitious, unflattering, unimagined, unimitated, uninvented, unprejudiced, unpretended, unpretending, unqualified, unromantic, unsimulated, unspecious, unsynthetic, unvarnished, verbal, verbatim, veridical, verisimilar, wan, washed-out, waxen, weak, whey-faced, white, word-for-word