Synonyms and related words :
accost, address, bare, betray, bid good day, bid good morning, bow to, break the seal, bring to light, clear, curtsy, denudate, denude, deobstruct, develop, dig up, disclose, discover, disinter, dismask, display, divest, divulge, draw the veil, excavate, exchange greetings, exhume, expose, ferret out, fish up, fleece, free, greet, hail, impart, kiss, kiss hands, lay bare, lay open, let daylight in, let out, lift the hat, manifest, nod to, open, open up, patefy, pluck, pull the forelock, raise the curtain, remove, reveal, root up, salute, say hello, shake, shake hands, shear, show, show up, strip, strip bare, subject, tell, touch the hat, turn up, unblock, uncase, unclench, uncloak, unclog, unclothe, unclutch, uncork, uncurtain, undo, undrape, unearth, unfold, unfoul, unfurl, unkennel, unlatch, unlock, unmask, unpack, unplug, unroll, unscreen, unseal, unsheathe, unshroud, unshut, unstop, unveil, unwrap, worm out