Synonyms and related words :
at a standstill, at anchor, at leisure, at liberty, at loose ends, available, beggar, bummer, cadger, coupon clippers, dead-still, disengaged, drone, extra, fallow, fired, fixed, free, freeloader, fresh, held back, held in reserve, held out, idle, idle rich, immobile, immotive, in abeyance, in hand, jobless, leisure, leisure class, leisured, let go, lounge lizard, lumpen, lumpen proletariat, mendicant, mint, moocher, motionless, moveless, new, nonworker, off, off duty, off work, original, otiose, out of commission, out of employ, out of harness, out of work, panhandler, parasite, pristine, put aside, put by, rentiers, reserve, riding at anchor, saved, spare, spiv, sponger, static, stationary, statuelike, still, stock-still, stored, suspended, the unemployable, the unemployed, to spare, unapplied, unbeaten, unconsumed, unemployable, unengaged, unexercised, unexpended, unhandled, unmoved, unmoving, unoccupied, unspent, untapped, untouched, untrodden, unused, unutilized, waived, workless