Synonyms and related words :
amorphous, arrested, backward, budding, callow, coarse, crude, dewy, embryonic, green, growing, immature, impubic, in embryo, in ovo, in the rough, inchoate, inexperienced, ingenuous, innocent, intact, juicy, minor, naive, new-fledged, oversimple, raw, reductionistic, reductive, ripening, rough, roughcast, roughhewn, rude, rudimental, rudimentary, sappy, shapeless, simplistic, stunted, tender, unadult, unblown, uncultivated, uncultured, uncut, underage, underdeveloped, undeveloped, undressed, unfashioned, unfinished, unfledged, unhewn, unlabored, unlicked, unmellowed, unpolished, unprocessed, unrefined, unripe, unseasoned, unshaped, unshapen, untreated, unworked, unwrought, vernal, virginal