Synonyms and related words :
alert, artless, bad, base, black, criminal, deficient, evil, half-assed, ill, imperfect, improper, inaccurate, inadept, inadequate, inapt, inattentive, inauspicious, incapable, incompetent, inefficient, inept, inexpedient, inexpert, inferior, insufficient, invalid, little, maladroit, malevolent, mean, mediocre, not comparable, not in it, open-eyed, out of it, peccant, pedestrian, petty, poor, shabby, sinful, sinister, skill-less, small, thoughtless, trivial, unapt, undeft, undexterous, undextrous, unfacile, unfavorable, unfitted, unhandy, unhealthy, unintelligent, unkind, unpleasant, unproficient, unqualified, unready, unskilled, unsleeping, untoward, unworkmanlike, vicious, vigilant, wakeful, wicked, wide-awake, wrong