Synonyms and related words :
a rebours, against the grain, anarchic, arsy-varsy, ass over elbows, ass-backwards, back-to-front, backwards, balled up, bollixed up, bottom side up, bottom up, by contraries, capsized, chaotic, chiastic, confused, contra, contrarily, contrariously, contrariwise, conversely, everted, fouled up, galley-west, haywire, head over heels, heels over head, helter-skelter, higgledy-piggledy, hugger-mugger, hyperbatic, in a mess, in flat opposition, inside out, introverted, invaginated, inversed, inversely, inverted, jumbled, just the opposite, mixed up, mixed-up, mucked up, muddled, nay rather, on the contrary, oppositely, otherwise, outside in, over, palindromic, per contra, quite the contrary, rather, resupinate, retroverted, reversed, scattered, screwed up, skimble-skamble, snafu, to the contrary, topsy-turvy, tout au contraire, transposed, turned around, vice versa, wrong side out