Synonyms and related words :
all jaw, candid, chatty, circumlocutory, communicative, conversational, de longue haleine, de trop, diffuse, dispensable, effusive, endless, excess, expansive, expendable, expletive, extended, filled out, flip, flowery, fluent, frank, gabby, garrulous, gassy, glib, gossipy, grandiloquent, gratuitous, gregarious, gushy, in excess, lengthy, long, long-drawn-out, long-spun, long-winded, longiloquent, loquacious, magniloquent, multiloquent, multiloquious, needless, newsy, nonessential, overtalkative, padded, periphrastic, pleonastic, prolix, protracted, redundant, smooth, sociable, spare, spun-out, supererogatory, superfluous, talkative, talky, tautologic, tautologous, to spare, uncalled-for, unessential, unnecessary, unneeded, unrelenting, voluble, windy, wordy