Meaning of VEXATION in English

Synonyms and related words :

abomination, affliction, aggravation, agitation, all-overs, angst, annoyance, anxiety, anxiety hysteria, anxiety neurosis, anxious bench, anxious concern, anxious seat, anxiousness, apprehension, apprehensiveness, atrocity, bad, bad news, bane, bedevilment, befoulment, blight, bore, bother, botheration, bothering, bothersomeness, bugbear, burden, calamity, cankerworm of care, care, concern, concernment, corruption, crashing bore, crushing burden, crying evil, curse, damage, death, defilement, despoliation, destruction, detriment, devilment, difficulty, disapprobation, disapproval, discontent, disease, displeasure, disquiet, disquietude, dissatisfaction, distress, disturbance, dogging, downer, drag, dread, evil, exasperation, fear, foreboding, forebodingness, grievance, harassment, harm, harrying, havoc, headache, hounding, hurt, ill, infection, infliction, injury, inquietude, irking, irritation, malaise, mischief, misgiving, molestation, nemesis, nervous strain, nervous tension, nervousness, nuisance, open wound, outrage, overanxiety, persecution, perturbation, pest, pestilence, pins and needles, plague, poison, pollution, problem, provocation, provoking, pucker, resentfulness, resentment, running sore, scourge, solicitude, stew, strain, suspense, tension, the worst, thorn, torment, toxin, trial, trouble, uneasiness, unquietness, upset, venom, vexatiousness, vexing, visitation, woe, worriment, worry, wrong, zeal

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