Synonyms and related words :
ambition, apostleship, area, art, aspiration, bag, basis, business, call, calling, care of souls, career, career building, careerism, cause, consideration, craft, cup of tea, employment, field, forte, game, goal, ground, guiding light, guiding star, handicraft, holy orders, ideal, inspiration, intention, job, lifework, line, line of business, line of work, lodestar, long suit, main interest, mainspring, manner, matter, metier, mission, motive, mystery, number, occupation, pastorage, pastoral care, pastorate, pet subject, practice, priesthood, priestship, principle, profession, pursuit, rabbinate, racket, reason, sacred calling, sake, score, source, specialism, speciality, specialization, specialty, spring, strong point, style, technicality, the church, the cloth, the desk, the ministry, the pulpit, thing, trade, type, ulterior motive, walk, walk of life, way, weakness, work