Synonyms and related words :
acclimate, acclimated, acclimatize, acclimatized, accommodate, accommodated, accustom, accustomed, adapt, adapted, adjust, adjusted, automatism, bad habit, be used to, be wont, bon ton, break, break in, case harden, case-hardened, characteristic, condition, conditioned, confirm, conformity, consuetude, convention, creature of habit, custom, domesticate, domesticize, establish, established way, etiquette, experienced, familiarize, familiarized, fashion, fix, folkway, force of habit, gentle, get used to, habit, habit pattern, habituate, habitude, harden, hardened, housebreak, inure, inured, manner, manners, mores, naturalize, naturalized, observance, orient, orientate, orientated, oriented, pattern, peculiarity, practice, praxis, prescription, proper thing, ritual, run-in, season, seasoned, second nature, social convention, standard behavior, standard usage, standing custom, stereotype, stereotyped behavior, take to, tame, time-honored practice, tradition, train, trained, trick, usage, use, used to, way, what is done, wonted, wonting