Synonyms and related words :
Kilkenny cats, aggressive, altercation, apologetics, apologia, apology, argument, argumentation, bellicose, belligerent, bicker, bickering, casuistry, cat-and-dog life, combat, combative, conflict, contention, contentiousness, contest, contestation, controversy, cut and thrust, debate, defense, disputation, disputatious, dispute, divisive, enmity, eristic, factional, factious, fighting, flyting, hassle, hostility, hubbub, irascible, irritable, litigation, litigious, logomachy, paper war, partisan, passage of arms, polarizing, polemic, polemics, pugnacious, quarrel, quarreling, quarrelsome, quarrelsomeness, rhubarb, scrapping, set-to, shrewish, squabbling, strife, struggle, verbal engagement, war, war of words, warfare, words