Synonyms and related words :
abandoned, ablaze, acquiescent, afire, agitated, agreeable, alacritous, all-overish, amenable, anxious, anxioused up, apprehensive, ardent, assiduous, avid, boiling over, bothered, breathless, buggy, bugs, burning, committed, compliant, concerned, consenting, content, cooperative, cordial, dedicated, delirious, devoted, devout, diligent, disposed, disquieted, disturbed, docile, drunk, eager, earnest, energetic, enthusiastic, excited, exuberant, fain, faithful, fanatic, fanatical, favorable, favorably disposed, favorably inclined, fearful, febrile, fervent, fervid, fevered, feverish, fiery, fired, flaming, flushed, foreboding, forward, frenetic, game, glowing, gung ho, hard, hard-core, hardworking, hearty, heated, hot, hot-blooded, hotheaded, impassioned, in a pucker, in a stew, in earnest, in the mind, in the mood, inclined, indefatigable, industrious, infatuated, inflamed, intense, intent, intent on, intoxicated, keen, laborious, lively, loyal, madcap, minded, misgiving, nervous, never idle, nutty, obsessed, on fire, on tenterhooks, overanxious, overapprehensive, overdevout, overreligious, overrighteous, overzealous, passionate, perfervid, perturbed, pliant, possessed, predisposed, prompt, prone, quick, rabid, ready, ready and willing, receptive, red-hot, relentless, resolute, responsive, sanctimonious, scorching, sedulous, serious, sincere, sleepless, solicitous, spirited, steaming, steamy, strained, strenuous, suspenseful, tense, tireless, totally committed, tractable, troubled, ultrareligious, uneasy, unflagging, unremitting, unrestrained, unsleeping, unsparing, unwearied, vehement, vigorous, warm, well-disposed, well-inclined, white-hot, wild-eyed, willed, willing, willinghearted, zealotic