Meaning of PNET in English

Primitive neuroectodermal tumor. One of a group of cancers thatdevelop from the same type of early cells, and share certain biochemical and genetic features. Some PNETs develop in the brain and central nervous system (CNS-PNET), and others develop in sites outside of the brain such as the limbs, pelvis, and chest wall (peripheral PNET). pneumatic larynx [noo-MAT-ik LAIR-inks]

A device that is used to help a person talk after a laryngectomy. It uses air to produce a humming sound, which is converted to speech by movement of the lips, tongue, or glottis.

NCI English Dictionary of Cancer Terms.      Английский словарь раковых терминов NCI(Национальный институт злокачественных новообразований).