▪ effectively , successfully
▪ directly
Their products ~ directly with ours.
▪ head-to-head
The company is prepared to ~ head-to-head with the market giants.
▪ globally , internationally , nationally
The price must be right in order to ~ internationally.
▪ aggressively , fiercely , intensely , vigorously
The big companies are competing fiercely on price.
▪ actively
a readiness to ~ actively in the global system
▪ favourably/favorably
▪ economically
▪ cannot
Small independent retailers can't ~ with the large stores.
▪ against
He welcomed the chance to ~ against professional athletes.
▪ for
Animals in the wild have to ~ for food.
▪ in
He regularly ~s in races.
▪ with
We have to ~ with several larger companies.
Compete is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑ athlete , ↑ country , ↑ firm , ↑ gymnast , ↑ team