Meaning of CONCLUSION in English


1 opinion reached after considering the facts


▪ correct

▪ logical , reasonable , valid

▪ inescapable , inevitable , obvious

▪ definite , definitive , firm

It is difficult to draw any firm ~s at such an early stage.

▪ erroneous , false , incorrect , wrong

▪ main

▪ hasty

▪ startling , surprising

How did he reach this startling ~?

▪ preliminary , tentative

Only tentative ~s can be drawn from these results.


▪ arrive at , come to , draw , reach

I can't draw any ~s from what she said.

▪ jump to , leap to

We don't want to jump to the wrong ~.

Don't go jumping to ~s before you know the facts.

▪ base on , derive from

He bases his ~s on very limited research.

▪ lead to , point to

It all points to the ~ that nobody knew what was going on.

▪ confirm , justify , reinforce , strengthen , support

The data he collected strengthened his ~s.

▪ warrant

This does not warrant the ~ that he failed.

2 ending of sth


▪ satisfactory , satisfying , successful

▪ fitting

This performance was a fitting ~ to his career.

▪ foregone

The result of the game was a foregone ~.

▪ hasty

▪ final , ultimate

The story's ultimate ~ does not come as a surprise.


▪ bring about , bring sth to

The meeting was brought to a hasty ~.

▪ come to


▪ in ~

In ~, I would like to thank you all for your hard work.

Oxford Collocations English Dictionary.      Оксфордский английский словарь словосочетаний .