Meaning of DEGREE in English


1 measurement of angles


▪ rotate , spin , turn

I turned the wheel 90 ~s,


▪ through … ~s

The camera turned through 180 ~s.

The car had spun through 180 ~s on impact.

2 measurement of temperature


▪ reach

Temperatures inside the burning building are estimated to have reached 600 ~s centigrade.


▪ at … ~s

Water boils at 100 ~s centigrade.


▪ ~s Celsius , ~s centigrade , ~s Fahrenheit

▪ ~s above zero , ~s below zero

▪ minus 10, 20, etc. ~s

3 amount/level


▪ considerable , good , great , high , large , substantial , the utmost

She allowed us a considerable ~ of freedom.

▪ exceptional , extraordinary , remarkable , surprising , unprecedented , unusual

Today we rely on computer technology to an unprecedented ~.

▪ certain , fair , moderate , modest

It was possible to date these remains with a fair ~ of accuracy.

▪ low , minimal , slight , small

He would try anything to make her even the smallest ~ happier.

▪ lesser

The tax changes will especially hit those on high incomes and, to a lesser ~, small businesses.

▪ different , variable , various , varying

They work hard, but with varying ~s of success.

▪ same

These products don't get the same ~ of testing as officially approved medications.

▪ alarming , dangerous , extreme

His arguments are simplistic to an extreme ~.

▪ acceptable , adequate ( esp. AmE ), meaningful ( esp. AmE ), real , significant

The book fails to answer the question with any acceptable ~ of certainty.

▪ appropriate , necessary , proper , requisite ( esp. BrE ), right

▪ unacceptable ( esp. BrE )


▪ assess , determine

Psychologists examined her to assess the ~ of her illness.


▪ in … ~s

The party leaders were all found to be corrupt in varying ~s.

▪ of … ~

employees of various ~s of ability

▪ to a … ~

The boss sometimes follows her instincts to an alarming ~.

▪ with a … ~ of

We all tried to find out about the bus service, with varying ~s of success.

▪ ~ of

There is a ~ of risk in any sport.


▪ by ~s

By ~s, the company's turnover dwindled to nothing.

▪ in equal ~

I felt excitement and sadness in equal ~ as I waved goodbye to my colleagues.

▪ a greater or lesser ~

We were all disappointed to a greater or lesser ~.

▪ to the nth ~ (= to an extreme degree)

The children tested her patience to the nth ~.

4 qualification


▪ college , university

▪ associate , bachelor's ( esp. AmE ), first ( esp. BrE ), ordinary ( BrE ), undergraduate

▪ advanced , doctoral ( esp. AmE ), graduate , higher , master's , postgraduate , research ( esp. BrE )

▪ BA , MA , PhD , etc.

▪ honours/honors ( esp. BrE )

▪ good

▪ first-class , second-class , third-class ( in the UK )

Candidates must have at least an upper second class honours ~.

▪ honorary

▪ business , history , law , medical , philosophy , etc.

▪ professional

Candidates must hold a professional ~ in architecture.

▪ joint , joint-honours ( BrE )

She earned a joint ~ in Spanish and Psychology.

▪ four-year , two-year , etc.

▪ part-time ( esp. BrE )


▪ have , hold

▪ do , pursue , take

He took a ~ in law then joined a law firm.

▪ be awarded , complete , earn ( esp. AmE ), finish , gain , get , obtain , receive

▪ award (sb) , confer (on sb) , grant (sb)

The University conferred on him the honorary ~ of Doctor of Laws.

institutions that grant doctoral ~s


▪ course ( esp. BrE ), programme/program

▪ level

people educated to ~ level or beyond

a degree-level course ( BrE )


▪ ~ in

a ~ in economics

Oxford Collocations English Dictionary.      Оксфордский английский словарь словосочетаний .