Meaning of DETENTION in English



▪ arbitrary

Opponents of the regime had been subject to arbitrary ~.

▪ pretrial

▪ indefinite

If found guilty, she could face indefinite ~.

▪ illegal

▪ incommunicado ( esp. AmE )

▪ preventive

Suspects were placed in preventive ~.

▪ military


▪ be in , remain in

147 of the illegal immigrants remain in ~.

▪ hold sb in , place sb in , sentence sb to

He was held in ~ from 1991 to 2001.

They were sentenced to 12 months' ~.

▪ authorize

Only Congress can authorize such ~s.

▪ be subject to , face

▪ receive

▪ release sb from

▪ challenge

Prisoners have the right to challenge their ~s.

▪ serve

Lawyers argued that she should be allowed to serve her ~ in her home country.

▪ give

Any student caught smoking would be given ~ immediately.

▪ be sent to ( AmE ), go to ( AmE ), have

My first day of school, and I have ~.


▪ camp , centre/center , facility

▪ area , cell , hall , room

▪ operations ( esp. AmE )

▪ policy


▪ in ~

She spent 18 years in ~.

▪ under ~

He made the confession while under ~.


▪ a period of ~ , a term of ~

The judge will set the period of ~.

Oxford Collocations English Dictionary.      Оксфордский английский словарь словосочетаний .