▪ clear
Don't start anything without a clear ~ from management.
▪ general
▪ important , prime
▪ advance , advanced , written (all AmE , law )
You can spell out your preferences in an advance ~, so that your family and doctors know what you want.
▪ draft , proposed
▪ specific ( esp. AmE )
The book offers no specific ~s for what the reader should do.
▪ congressional , EU , government , presidential , etc.
▪ policy , political
▪ environmental , security , etc.
▪ give , issue
The EU issued a new drinking water ~.
▪ adopt , approve , sign
▪ comply with , follow , implement , obey
All companies must comply with the new ~.
▪ receive
They said they didn't receive any ~s from the White House or the Pentagon.
▪ block , oppose (both esp. BrE )
▪ violate ( esp. AmE )
▪ come into force ( esp. BrE )
A new EU ~ on maternity leave will come into force next month.
▪ require sth
The ~ requires member states to designate sites of special scientific interest.
▪ in accordance with a/the ~
They acted in accordance with the latest ~ from Brussels.
▪ in a/the ~
The proposals are contained in a European ~ on wild birds.
▪ under a/the ~
Private health services will be allowed under the ~.
▪ ~ for
a new set of ~s for the security team
▪ ~ from
a ~ from the European Commission
▪ ~ on
a ~ on data protection
▪ the provisions of a ~ , the terms of a ~ ( esp. BrE )