1 treating a person/group unfairly
▪ gender , sex , sexual , sexual-orientation ( esp. AmE )
▪ age , class , race , racial
▪ religious , social
▪ disability
▪ pregnancy ( esp. AmE )
▪ viewpoint ( AmE )
the First Amendment's ban on viewpoint ~
▪ widespread
There is widespread ~ against doctors of Asian origin.
▪ active , blatant , direct , overt
evidence of active ~ against black workers
▪ subtle
▪ intentional
▪ direct , indirect (both BrE )
▪ perceived
▪ positive ( BrE ), reverse ( AmE )
positive ~ in favour of disadvantaged racial groups
They claim to be the victims of reverse ~.
▪ illegal , unlawful
Overt sex or race ~ is illegal.
▪ legal
▪ employment , job , workplace ( esp. AmE )
▪ housing ( AmE )
▪ government , institutional , institutionalized
institutionalized ~ against women in the police
▪ level
Levels of ~ against recent immigrants are high.
▪ amount to , constitute
Racist remarks by an employer to an employee can amount to unlawful ~.
▪ encounter , experience , face , suffer , suffer from
Many disabled people suffer ~ at work.
▪ practise/practice
▪ allege , claim
lawsuits alleging ~
▪ be opposed to , combat , fight
▪ ban , bar ( esp. AmE ), forbid , outlaw , prohibit
▪ eliminate , end , stop
▪ occur
The ~ occurred at the shortlisting stage, not the interviews.
▪ exist
Does racial ~ still exist in the workplace?
▪ ~ against
~ against women
▪ ~ by
~ by age/race
▪ ~ in favour/favor of
Some companies practise ~ in favour of older people. ( BrE )
Some companies practice ~ in favor of older people. ( AmE )
▪ ~ on the grounds of
It's time we banned ~ on the grounds of age.
▪ an act of ~
▪ ~ based on sth
~ based on sexuality
▪ evidence of ~
▪ a form of ~
▪ racial and ethnic ~ ( AmE )
The law now prohibits racial and ethnic ~.
▪ a victim of ~
2 ability to recognize differences
▪ fine , great
▪ colour/color
▪ make
Young children find it difficult to make fine ~s.
▪ show
She showed great ~ in rejecting the poor quality teas.
▪ ~ between
~ between right and wrong